About me

Hey, I’m Till Schallau. I’m a researcher, software engineer, traveller and adventurer. As with my teaching at my current university, I’ll guide you through different software engineering topics that I’m currently working on in my tutorials section. My current research interest spans from Language EngineeringSoftware EngineeringEducation and Quality Assurance, to Automotive. To find my research publications follow this link. Besides my work I’m in love with nature in all its facetes and I enjoy walks with my friends and family. In my freetime I develop websites and software solutions. If you are interested in my projects, check out my portfolio.




I play the rythm guitar for the band Clashing Minds.


In my freetime I enjoy running, climbing and playing volleyball for TV Hasperbach (as a player coach) and for TSC Eintracht Dortmund.


I am always around with my camera. Check out my latest photos here. You can also book me here.


On holidays I am exploring new worlds near and far, in the best case with my friends and family.

Fun Fact

17 Countries Visited

Currently learning 日本語

Most visited country: Belgium